Health & Safety

blu-3: Committed to excellence in health, safety and wellbeing

At blu-3, our commitment to the health, safety and wellbeing of all our employees, contractors and communities is taken very seriously and firmly engrained in our business culture. It is our number one consideration when planning any project.

We want our employees to go home to their families safe and well every evening and we continually strive to reduce risks and protect our people and key stakeholders by building a culture where safety comes first.

Our health and safety vision is built on the foundation that every individual that works for blu-3 will look after the health and safety of themselves and others around them and will passionately pursue a healthy and accident free environment.

It’s core to our vision and values. We care and have respect for our people and their health, safety and wellbeing are our priority.

Ensuring a healthier and safer environment
– the injury free workplace

blu-3 operates a number of initiatives to boost awareness and engagement of health, safety and wellbeing across our offices and project sites. We work collaboratively with our clients and supply chains to develop a culture that ensures nobody gets hurt or suffers ill health at work.

The wellbeing of blu-3 colleagues

As a family run business and a member of the Constructing Better Health initiative, our focus on health and wellbeing is aimed at protecting our employees from workplace related health risks. blu-3 considers its workforce to be its most valuable asset and keeps health and wellbeing at the forefront of all practices, with People as our most important core value.

From accidents to mental health, blu-3 ensures a continuous focus on wellbeing– both physical and mental – is communicated and supported through a range of initiatives across the business. Setting a good example for the construction industry, the blu-3 forward thinking attitude centres around job satisfaction, personal wellbeing, professionalism and safety.

I’m proud of the excellent reputation we have developed for health and safety at blu-3. We have a truly world-class health and safety culture, which is clearly recognised by our clients and employees alike

The Wellbeing Strategy

blu-3’s Health & Wellbeing Philosophy is captured within its Wellbeing Strategy.

To measure the company’s progress against targets, blu-3 uses an Occupational Health Maturity Matrix which recognises the different elements of the philosophy and the measurable milestones. The maturity approach also enables blu-3 and its supply chain to measure and improve the culture and practices undertaken.

  • Use all necessary measures to minimise work-related ill health
  • Proactively take all measures to prevent the occurrence of incidents to ensure the preservation of life
  • Use all necessary measures to promote holistic wellbeing, by encouraging team members to be proactive towards optimising personal health and by promoting and participating in health campaigns
  • Proactively use all necessary measures to promote, protect and preserve everyone’s health, whether in the workplace or in the wider community

To measure the company’s progress against targets, blu-3 uses an Occupational Health Maturity Matrix which recognises the different elements of the philosophy and the measurable milestones. The maturity approach also enables blu-3 and its supply chain to measure and improve the culture and practices undertaken.

Health & Wellbeing Provider

blu-3 has a dedicated Occupational Health (OH) service provider that provides fully managed services in accordance with the wellbeing strategy. The company delivers medical screening services using online occupational health questionnaires as well as fully equipped fixed and mobile clinics, including cardiac screening.

  • blu-3 has over 20 trained mental health first aiders located in offices and on every site
  • Welfare and wellbeing programmes
    • A free-to-use gym facility at Eden House Head Office
    • Education and guidance on drugs and alcohol abuse & random testing has been implemented
    • Stress Awareness – a wide ranging programme of activities are held at blu-3 to raise awareness and engagement on the topic
    • Counselling and advice telephone helpline service
  • blu-3 buzz – a quarterly company newsletter shares company-wide colleague stories, tips and advice on wellbeing

To find out more about Health & Safety at blu-3, please contact us